Lol! You can sure tell that Comcast pays ppl to write reviews. The real ppl, like myself, are absolutely not surprised that Comcast has yet missed the mark again with another useless bullish&t app. I have not been able to "stream" anything. Its constantly blipping on and off no matter how many times I delete and reload. Sure sure you have the option to download...still have to have an internet connection to do that too!! The whole purpose to downloading a program is so you do NOT have to have internet connection . I pay 200/mo for what exactly?? Your internet is ok. The cost of tv programs is bullsh&t and your on demand and streaming blows too. Comcast is Disney owned...really?? Is Disney that broke that it cant put out adequate products you have to pay an arm and a leg to have. Run away ppl!! Just run away!!
2gd4u about Xfinity Stream, v4.0.2