Surprisingly (or perhaps not), if you look in the apps setting it says "made in Philippines;" this may explain the joyless functionality of this app. This is THE WORST streaming app ever. This weekend they had a customer feedback thing, and surprisingly the thing played flawlessly all weekend (the skriptkids must have been chaperoned or other adult supervision). Now, the following Monday, I cant even get a show to start. Wow, great app. Way to go comcast. You guys are the most awesome when it comes to continuously making a bad thing worst. Give yourselves a pat on the back for that one, or maybe a big high5 to yourselves at your next scrum (really, you guys are still doing those, well I would not be surprised. Not at all). Looking forward to your next update, hoping it will be just a blank screen, that would at least be a move in the right direction of managing expectations.
General problems:
- Videos regularly freeze with audio still playing (not so much anymore, because the video doesnt even play ;-) Seriously though. They did seem to fix that one.)
- Cant bookmark shows to watch
- Locating anything is a mess
- Streaming is supper slow
- They clearly dont read nor pay attention to their customers reviews.
- really only 3 devices allowed? Step into the 21st century and join the rest of us; most families have more than 3 mobile devices (which makes no sense since its a premium service). For large families I cant imagine how they could use this app. What a bunch of Mooks.
Netflix & Amazon are very close in delivering a decent customer experience in their streaming services/apps (though recently Netflix has crept down and degraded their apps functions to nearly mimic Xfinity performance. So I guess that makes Amazon the best streaming app (havent tried Hulu in years), and Netflix is just a little better than Xfinity (Didnt xfinity team up with or buy Netflix?)
Starting to wonder why with all the other options out there I still pay a HUGE premium to Comcast for their crappy penny pinching services. I mean, wow I pay over a hundred bucks a month and they cant compete with another company I pay ten or twenty dollars to? Wheres Comcast focus, well it sure is not customer support and satisfaction.
I dont know who these folks are that give it 5 stars, but they must be newbies who just signed up or they are xfinity employees. This app is ridiculously bad (hence a negative 5 stars). No way could this app get 5 stars in comparison to other streaming apps.
T. Jinkinz about Xfinity Stream, v4.3.1